I wonder how much pvssy Trump will try to grab now that he's President.
Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
Election Post-Mortem
by Simon ini'm sure many people, republicans included, are shocked at the results of the 2016 presidential election.
really, wtf!.
the polls were wrong and although it's tempting to blame voter suppression and fbi interference, that would just avoid looking at the real issues for the loss.
Village Idiot
How to route out an apostate... according too this site.
by Thisismein1972 inhttps://jwadvisor.blogspot.co.uk/2016/07/leakinginfo.html.
jehovah's witness advisor.
leakinginfo: what can be done to find out who is leaking documents?.
Village Idiot
Actually, JW Advisor is being quite smart. I just hope that his advise doesn't get to headquarters.
So I woke up and Trump was president
by notalone inso i live in the u.s. i had family that lived in germany when hitler came to power.
i had family that was in london during the blitz.
being raised as a witness i was obsessed with everything having to do with the rise of the nazis.
Village Idiot
Amen Mrs. Flipper.
So I woke up and Trump was president
by notalone inso i live in the u.s. i had family that lived in germany when hitler came to power.
i had family that was in london during the blitz.
being raised as a witness i was obsessed with everything having to do with the rise of the nazis.
Village Idiot
Today, I am feeling dazed and a little numb. I know evil exists and is more common then we want to think but, I have met so many kind people since I left. What I've been personally experiencing seems so different from what has happened here. I am not debating ideas about which style of governing is best, I am just talking about humanity, kindness and respect..
Cold Steel,
I'm not sure what you're getting at, but I felt vibrant and invigorated.
I think it's obvious what notalone is thinking. With Putin we have a psychopath who has murdered at least 54 journalists who opposed him. With Trump we have a grossly pathetic excuse of a human being.
As for nuclear war Putin is, like Trump, the bullying type who would harass and threaten the smallest of nations as well as bluster others who are equal to him.
If you really had a concern about nuclear war you would have been of the opinion that Hillary Clinton should be convinced not to do whatever she was doing. Petitions and media coverage would have been two possibilities. Instead you chose a man of no integrity who is a bully and a moron.
Donald Trump is also a semi-incompetent businessman (a billion dollar loss on a project he was counseled not to take). Whatever money he had came from selling of his name on a dozen things from food to buildings on the grounds that his unmerited image would sell those items and edifices. All glitter, no substance whatsoever. Project that into his presidency.
Election Post-Mortem
by Simon ini'm sure many people, republicans included, are shocked at the results of the 2016 presidential election.
really, wtf!.
the polls were wrong and although it's tempting to blame voter suppression and fbi interference, that would just avoid looking at the real issues for the loss.
Village Idiot
So, will having Trump in office for (at least) the next four years make the child-abuse legal campaign against the Org more or less difficult?
Sorry Vidiot, I can't see how one would connect to or affect the other.
So I woke up and Trump was president
by notalone inso i live in the u.s. i had family that lived in germany when hitler came to power.
i had family that was in london during the blitz.
being raised as a witness i was obsessed with everything having to do with the rise of the nazis.
Village Idiot
Thanks GrreatTeacher. Got it.
So I woke up and Trump was president
by notalone inso i live in the u.s. i had family that lived in germany when hitler came to power.
i had family that was in london during the blitz.
being raised as a witness i was obsessed with everything having to do with the rise of the nazis.
Village Idiot
GrreatTeacher, can you provide a link?
Great Tribulation and Trump
by TakeOffTheCrown inplease, let's discuss this subject without attacking one another.. it appears that trump has won a victory that no one expected.
is it possible that trump may play a part in the great tribulation?.
there are some who believe trump is one of the most unqualified of men to ever be elected president of the united states.
Village Idiot
The thing that we should worry about is that Trump and his VP actually believe those delusions.
Trump cannot even pronounce 2 Corinthians. He has no beliefs about anything; he's just a shape shifter. On the other hand Pence is something to worry about.
Great Tribulation and Trump
by TakeOffTheCrown inplease, let's discuss this subject without attacking one another.. it appears that trump has won a victory that no one expected.
is it possible that trump may play a part in the great tribulation?.
there are some who believe trump is one of the most unqualified of men to ever be elected president of the united states.
Village Idiot
Why can't they stick to their doctrinal outline?
- The UN cries out peace and security.
- Organized religion aka Babylon the Great gets destroyed by the UN in cahoots with all nations.
- Then the UN turns on them last of all in order to wipe them out.
- After which the heavenly cavalry comes charging over the hill to their rescue. Oh yes, don't forget the fireballs and other pyrotechnics that the big J in the sky hurls down for entertainment of his angels.
Where does Trump fit into all of this?
Election Post-Mortem
by Simon ini'm sure many people, republicans included, are shocked at the results of the 2016 presidential election.
really, wtf!.
the polls were wrong and although it's tempting to blame voter suppression and fbi interference, that would just avoid looking at the real issues for the loss.
Village Idiot
Trump supporters have all sorts rationalizing on the pussy grab comments.
I mean, why should a little pussy grabbing get in the way of becoming President right?
What saddens me about the media's fixation with crotch grabbing is the more important thing he said on that tape. He said twice that he tried to make out with a married woman. Why didn't the dumbfvcks of the media give that some coverage? Imagine Obama saying the same thing even without the pvssy grabbing.